Vineyard layout assumptionsFor this enterprise analysis, vineyard layout is assumed to follow the recommendations detailed earlier in this guide (see Vineyard Establishment). Specifically, vines are grown on an irrigated, T-bar trellis system with 11 feet between rows, 10 feet between vines within rows, and 30 foot bays (i.e. 30 feet between posts within rows). To ensure adequate pollination using currently available varieties, a conservative male:female ratio of approximately 1:6 is also assumed. In this scenario, a square, one-acre vineyard will be comprised of nineteen 210 foot rows, in total containing 341 female (fruiting) vines and 58 male (pollinator) vines. See Fig 50 below for a detailed schematic. |
Fig 50 A representation of the vineyard assumptions used for this enterprise analysis. One acre of vineyard requires 190 posts, 152 top-bars, and ~5,200 feet of high tensile wire. To achieve a 1:6 male to female ratio and ensure even dispersal of pollen, males are located at all corners of the vineyard and are well represented along the perimeter.